Sini Foundation

Who are We

Founded by Ms. Neetu Singh. Sini Foundation has been on a journey where the journey itself holds a lot more meaning than any destination. Working as a true NGO, we have been consistently investing our efforts to uplift the under-privileged and unemployed people and executing certain responsibilities towards them in a regularized manner,

What we do

Sini Foundation's objective has been to train and empower these underprivileged and poor artisans, especially women, with the handicraft-skills. We also play a perfect bridge between these artisans and their prospective customers by taking their products to them, thereby generating income for all those disadvantaged people.

What we do

Dreams empower us with an extensive expanse of responsibilities embedded within them. These responsibilities, when identified, play a pivotal part in shaping up views and vision in us.
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Our Work

Making the under-privileged of our society self-sufficient is certainly the fulcrum of our activities, but immediate humanitarian aid ranks high on our agenda as well. Arrangement of medical, social and psychological services, material support, vocational training and information initiatives etc. have been a regular part of our curriculum over the years.

Our Work

We don't give them fish, we help them learn fishing, become passionate for it and get remunerated accordingly. We ingrain motivation, we carve resilience, we instill ability, we construct self-sufficiency and we inculcate belief in people.
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Founded by Ms. Neetu Singh. Sini Foundation has been on a journey where the journey itself holds a lot more meaning than any destination. Working as a true NGO, we have been consistently investing our efforts to uplift the under-privileged and unemployed people and executing certain responsibilities towards them in a regularized manner,

Sini Foundation’s objective has been to train and empower these underprivileged and poor artisans, especially women, with the handicraft-skills. We also play a perfect bridge between these artisans and their prospective customers by taking their products to them, thereby generating income for all those disadvantaged people.

Making the under-privileged of our society self-sufficient is certainly the fulcrum of our activities, but immediate humanitarian aid ranks high on our agenda as well. Arrangement of medical, social and psychological services, material support, vocational training and information initiatives etc. have been a regular part of our curriculum over the years.

There may be myriad definitions of empowerment. But for us, at SINI, true empowerment stems from making someone self-sufficient.

Ms. Neetu Singh
Founder, M.D. Sini Foundation

Making a difference with

Our Reach

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We change lives throughout

Sini Foundation is well on its way to empower them with skills, opportunities and enthusiasm. Through our efforts we have made sure that we are able to help people throughout the country. Be it organising the health check-up, blood donation, blanket distribution camps for underprivileged in various parts of the country or organising training camps to empower women we ensure that we nurture lives and help others grow


About us

To know more about Sini Foundation Click here.

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